| whinnnie.gif DATE: 1996-07-27 — FILESIZE: 16,588 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 377x468 pixels KT as a centaur, with a big cute purple mane and tail! |
 | taperrich.gif DATE: 1997-09-05 — FILESIZE: 27,686 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 620x400 pixels Taperlass assumes a hermaph form, as does Richard thanks to a dose of Willamette water. Then Taper has hir way with hir. |
 | taperpool.gif DATE: 1997-11-11 — FILESIZE: 53,372 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 529x431 pixels Taper goes for a nice nude swim in the pool; here she is seen climbing out. |
 | vaginadentata.gif DATE: 1998-06-15 — FILESIZE: 21,448 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 389x400 pixels Taperlass shows off her vagina dentata! (There's a song that goes with this to the tune of "Hakuna Matata" but I don't exactly remember it at the moment.) |
 | randomseminudefurry.gif DATE: 1998-07-02 — FILESIZE: 20,954 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 350x500 pixels A random, unnamed femme cat with no pants on. |
 | taperpenis.gif DATE: 1998-07-08 — FILESIZE: 44,659 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 310x550 pixels Taperlass with a nice big penis. |
 | nudefelina.gif DATE: 1999-02-02 — FILESIZE: 16,324 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 550x375 pixels Felina Vixen poses nude. |
 | feltony1.gif DATE: 1999-06-04 — FILESIZE: 20,610 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 449x398 pixels Felina Vixen sneaks up behind Tony Fox and pulls his pants down. |
 | feltony2.gif DATE: 1999-06-07 — FILESIZE: 21,933 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 542x425 pixels Felina gets Tony aroused, and invites him to come join her. |
 | feltony3.gif DATE: 1999-07-05 — FILESIZE: 20,355 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 500x396 pixels Felina and Tony yiff like foxes! Which they are. |
 | tonyrich.gif DATE: 1999-11-18 — FILESIZE: 52,864 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 434x600 pixels Tony Greyfox and Richard Fox get nude and sit on a chair and cuddle. Oh yes, and have sex. |
 | zigzagbible-2h.jpg DATE: 2000-07-05 — FILESIZE: 48,482 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 649x525 pixels Drawn in Max Blackrabbit's infamous Bible of Zig Zag. Zig Zag sprouts a second head and a second pair of arms. |
 | penguin-cleavage.gif DATE: 2000-07-06 — FILESIZE: 47,028 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 636x630 pixels One day, Dot and Neuracnu were talking about penguins, and for some reason Neu mentioned penguin cleavage. Dot couldn't imagine a penguin with cleavage, so I drew it for her. The dialog is verbatim from IRC. Oh yes, and Taper was there too, asleep. |
 | fmtaur1.gif DATE: 2000-08-01 — FILESIZE: 8,528 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 228x395 pixels Cute nude femme mousetaur. |
 | fmtaur2.gif DATE: 2000-08-01 — FILESIZE: 8,698 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 280x393 pixels Cute nude femme mousetaur, giving you a nice rear view. |
 | nudemousie.gif DATE: 2000-08-01 — FILESIZE: 30,597 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 477x366 pixels A sexy nude femme mouse sits alluringly on a book. |
 | yicmoop.jpg DATE: 2000-11-11 — FILESIZE: 125,366 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 553x345 pixels Drawn in someone's sketchbook at Anthrocon 2000, the first furry con I went to. KT interrupts a sex scene just to say "yic moop yic moop yic moop". Unfortunately, I'd failed to notice that my drawing violated the rating of the book. The book's owner was a good sport about it, though. Whew! |
 | onething.jpg DATE: 2000-11-12 — FILESIZE: 62,703 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 480x640 pixels A nude yiffyfox with two heads discusses plans for the day. |
 | 3bosommice.gif DATE: 2000-11-30 — FILESIZE: 29,372 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 383x548 pixels A nude multibreasted vixen laden with no fewer than three bosommice! |
 | karma-mit4arma.gif DATE: 2000-12-15 — FILESIZE: 36,122 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 681x477 pixels I totally forget what the motivation behind this picture was, but for some reason I felt like drawing Karma Leafbarer with four arms and no clothes. I think she was naked and I gave her two extra arms to cover herself with, or something. |