| boobtube.jpg DATE: 2002-01-17 — FILESIZE: 67,620 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 575x669 pixels Teleia Fox gets hir own TV show... The Boob Tube! |
 | hermfenhua.jpg DATE: 2002-01-17 — FILESIZE: 23,211 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 318x527 pixels A hermaphroditic fennec fox, or possibly a chihuahua. |
 | nomeansno.jpg DATE: 2002-01-30 — FILESIZE: 69,376 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 484x672 pixels A pic I drew in SirFox of Yiffnet's "Unusual Furries Doing Unusual Things" sketchbook... A nude two-headed vixen sexually harassing herself. |
 | cookingclass.gif DATE: 2002-02-20 — FILESIZE: 109,903 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 720x693 pixels A half-naked fox signs up for cooking class. He loves pastries too much, though! |
 | gotwang.jpg DATE: 2002-05-01 — FILESIZE: 80,460 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 538x714 pixels Teleia Fox, wearing a Penny Arcade "got wang?" T-shirt, specially fitted for hir two-headed form, oh and sie's wearing nothing else. Also sie's having a little fun sitting on the bed and tickling hir penis! |
 | heavilyarmed.gif DATE: 2002-07-18 — FILESIZE: 77,910 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 594x792 pixels Drawn in Prismo's sketchbook. A police officer confronts a criminal who is heavily armed (and headed, eyed, breasted, penised and tailed. Damn, I forgot to make hir heavily legged, though. |
 | stickysurprise.jpg DATE: 2002-07-20 — FILESIZE: 66,940 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 570x787 pixels A drawing I did in SirFox's "Sticky Situations" sketchbook: A nude leopard lady surprised by Teleia Fox sitting wrong way round on a recliner chair and spurting into the air. Whoops! |
 | foxballs1.gif DATE: 2002-09-23 — FILESIZE: 66,289 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 612x824 pixels The first installment of a new comic series of sorts: a strip in which a fox's balls are prominently featured in every installment. Here, Phloid the fox housesits for a friend. |
 | badlydrawn.gif DATE: 2002-10-10 — FILESIZE: 45,377 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 471x550 pixels Drawn in Mat Sherer's sketchbook. Lucy from Badly Drawn Kitties meets a not-so-badly drawn version of herself. |
 | not-nekkid.jpg DATE: 2002-10-14 — FILESIZE: 77,548 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 788x1060 pixels Drawn in someone's sketchbook. A skunkette rollerblades down a city sidewalk wearing nothing but a vest. |
 | superchief.gif DATE: 2002-11-06 — FILESIZE: 83,797 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 598x803 pixels Mintaka sees the LEGO Santa Fe Super Chief, which will surely make Richard cream his pants! Except he doesn't wear pants... |