| mickalli.gif DATE: 1997-01-01 — FILESIZE: 26,356 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 348x355 pixels The cute, lovable, and copyright-violating Mickey Alligator. |
 | ywdhousr.gif DATE: 1997-01-07 — FILESIZE: 52,988 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 799x1041 pixels Yakko, Wakko & Dot visit Houston in the middle of summer. I drew this one day while waiting for the A/C repairman to show up. |
 | earsaprt.gif DATE: 1997-01-08 — FILESIZE: 34,565 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 357x345 pixels Dot takes off her flower and lets her ears spread apart. |
 | taxi.gif DATE: 1997-01-08 — FILESIZE: 21,019 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 556x373 pixels Wakkina calls a taxi, in the form of Vakkotaur. |
 | iflisa06.gif DATE: 1997-01-09 — FILESIZE: 15,988 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 375x440 pixels If Lisa were a centaur. |
 | dorsgroc.gif DATE: 1997-01-21 — FILESIZE: 19,797 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 685x629 pixels Doris Duck puts groceries away. |
 | taprcndl.gif DATE: 1997-01-21 — FILESIZE: 9,252 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 771x291 pixels Taperlass morphs into her true form, a candle. |
 | copytone.gif DATE: 1997-01-29 — FILESIZE: 35,385 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 640x480 pixels Lisa parodies the famous Coppertone ad with the dog pulling down the girl's swimsuit. |
 | dl-ld.gif DATE: 1997-02-08 — FILESIZE: 13,815 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 584x348 pixels A cute visual conceit; Lisa as Dot's flower, and Dot as Lisa's pearls. |
 | taprskch.gif DATE: 1997-02-09 — FILESIZE: 111,727 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 358x630 pixels Sketch of Taperlass. |
 | kt-p5.gif DATE: 1997-02-09 — FILESIZE: 30,007 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 902x570 pixels KT mangles a Pizzicato Five song. The actual lyrics, FYI: "Sanjikanmo matte itanoyo, watashi neko to isshoni/Twiggy no minisukatto de/Twiggy mitaina pose de/Twiggy no minisukatto de/Twiggy mitaini yaseppochino watashi." |
 | djot.gif DATE: 1997-02-18 — FILESIZE: 28,475 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 281x384 pixels Dot Warner as Björk. Inspired by the cover of Björk's second album, "Post". |
 | soylntbu.gif DATE: 1997-02-23 — FILESIZE: 31,250 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 270x307 pixels A scene from "Soylent Boo." |
 | vakmorph.gif DATE: 1997-03-12 — FILESIZE: 33,012 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 700x400 pixels Vakko morphs into his taur form. |
 | dotmouse.gif DATE: 1997-04-01 — FILESIZE: 21,477 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 373x543 pixels Dot Mousie. (Seems she morphed into a mouse because of peer pressure.) |
 | dotpage.gif DATE: 1997-04-02 — FILESIZE: 70,070 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 616x856 pixels Page of sketches of Dot, most drawn from TV. |
 | wbwpage.gif DATE: 1997-04-02 — FILESIZE: 49,386 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 544x729 pixels Page of sketches of Wilford B. Wolf, done from TV. Modified with a few improvements to the character: less goofy topknot, de-floppified ears, dorky bowtie removed. |
 | waxwolf1.gif DATE: 1997-04-02 — FILESIZE: 44,670 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 481x544 pixels Drawing of Taperlass for her proposed catalog, Wax Wolf. |
 | macaroon.gif DATE: 1997-04-03 — FILESIZE: 21,359 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 355x390 pixels KT does the Forbidden Dance. No, not the Lambada. |
 | beakoff.gif DATE: 1997-04-21 — FILESIZE: 14,891 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 350x420 pixels Plucky Warner removes his beak fthoi. |
 | xmasdres.gif DATE: 1997-05-14 — FILESIZE: 22,269 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 460x740 pixels Lisa wearing the new dress Captain bought her for Christmas. (Captain & Lisa were married at one point.) |
 | waxloss.gif DATE: 1997-05-30 — FILESIZE: 20,523 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 351x410 pixels KT's weight loss program for wax beings, which he demonstrates on Masem. |
 | neucoyot.gif DATE: 1997-05-31 — FILESIZE: 16,989 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 400x550 pixels Neuracnu Coyote. |
 | dot1.gif DATE: 1997-06-17 — FILESIZE: 23,040 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 456x562 pixels Cute sketch of Dot I never got around to inking (like a lotta sketches I've done...) |
 | brndplsh.gif DATE: 1997-06-22 — FILESIZE: 14,252 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 286x394 pixels Brendanplushie. |
 | yerfyfox.gif DATE: 1997-06-24 — FILESIZE: 34,642 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 366x556 pixels Richard the yerfy fox. He yerfs. You know, like a fox. |
 | duckyfox.gif DATE: 1997-06-24 — FILESIZE: 48,545 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 457x557 pixels Richard Fox tries to quack, in preparation for attending the University of Oregon, whose mascot is a duck, as KT looks on. |
 | foxquack.gif DATE: 1997-06-24 — FILESIZE: 36,365 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 552x535 pixels Richard Fox finally quacks, with a little prosthetic help. |
 | masmtaur.gif DATE: 1997-07-03 — FILESIZE: 17,391 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 325x442 pixels Masem as a centaur. |
 | minkwrnr.gif DATE: 1997-07-03 — FILESIZE: 17,983 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 304x444 pixels A cross between a mink and a Warner. |
 | margcomx.gif DATE: 1997-07-17 — FILESIZE: 127,534 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 630x880 pixels Marge Simpson Action Comics! |
 | tawingtr.gif DATE: 1997-07-19 — FILESIZE: 29,144 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 444x359 pixels Taper Winged Taur. |
 | stopsign.gif DATE: 1997-07-21 — FILESIZE: 29,304 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 468x410 pixels Sefo notices a rather odd stop sign, which KT evidently had a hand in making. |
 | kt-tl-sh.gif DATE: 1997-07-28 — FILESIZE: 20,407 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 420x420 pixels KT and Taperlass switch heads. |
 | bityeyes.gif DATE: 1997-08-01 — FILESIZE: 24,783 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 316x332 pixels Taperlass with bitey eyes. |
 | hapyeyes.gif DATE: 1997-08-01 — FILESIZE: 10,600 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 226x271 pixels Taperlass with happy smiley eyes. |
 | brainder.gif DATE: 1997-08-05 — FILESIZE: 80,305 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 785x588 pixels Pinky & the Brain as Flanders & Swann. (Michael Flanders and Donald Swann, a pair of British guys who wrote and performed funny songs in the late '50s and '60s. Pinky is mangling a song called "Kokoraki", a Greek folk song.) |
 | iflisa07.gif DATE: 1997-08-05 — FILESIZE: 44,726 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 677x520 pixels If Lisa had four arms. (The only "If Lisa" picture I ever did that actually explores its possibilities to any extent.) |
 | drhockey.gif DATE: 1997-08-07 — FILESIZE: 37,375 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 593x464 pixels Dolphin Dave and Richard play hockey with Masem. Masem's the puck. |
 | pdlotion.gif DATE: 1997-08-31 — FILESIZE: 36,103 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 642x456 pixels Plucky rubs suntan oil on Dot's back. |
 | dotrich2.gif DATE: 1997-09-06 — FILESIZE: 20,778 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 350x540 pixels Dot gets rich! |
 | taprmous.gif DATE: 1997-09-13 — FILESIZE: 20,224 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 334x553 pixels Tapermouse, the wax wolf in mousy form. |
 | tm18fing.gif DATE: 1997-09-24 — FILESIZE: 25,431 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 442x584 pixels Tapermouse finds that she has a total of four arms and eighteen fingers! |
 | tango.gif DATE: 1997-09-27 — FILESIZE: 80,341 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 765x448 pixels Plucky and Dot tango, with bones, as Tapey looks on and whimpers in sexual frustration. |
 | taprshrt.gif DATE: 1997-09-30 — FILESIZE: 36,609 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 544x451 pixels Tapey wears slacks and a shirt, and KT apparently mistakes her for Dot dressed as Lisa. |
 | taprwlf1.gif DATE: 1997-10-02 — FILESIZE: 53,954 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 512x726 pixels Taperwolf, Taperlass's zoomorphic form. (Tapey says she looks a bit like Streisand in this one.) |
 | dotducky.gif DATE: 1997-10-05 — FILESIZE: 53,157 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 749x538 pixels Dot becomes a ducky and poses in front of a nice cool duckypond. |
 | neunatte.gif DATE: 1997-10-06 — FILESIZE: 35,221 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 531x614 pixels Neu_and_Natte joins #watertower. See, Neuracnu & Natte both live in St. Louis, and one time she visited his house and they logged onto IRC together under the nick Neu_and_Natte, which caused me to imagine this bizarre two-headed aberration of nature. |
 | taprwlf2.gif DATE: 1997-10-08 — FILESIZE: 53,831 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 554x559 pixels Taperwolf looks over her shoulder in a cute way. |
 | rfpester.gif DATE: 1997-10-17 — FILESIZE: 40,943 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 581x482 pixels Richard pesters KT for more foxpics. |
 | bosommouse.jpg DATE: 1997-11-15 — FILESIZE: 108,521 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 654x734 pixels Masem J. Mouse is BOSOMMOUSE! Every woman needs a BOSOMMOUSE! Get yours today! |
 | rararhia.gif DATE: 1997-11-16 — FILESIZE: 114,325 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 604x750 pixels Ra Ra Rhia! She's a cheerleader. |
 | wakkymouse.gif DATE: 1997-11-23 — FILESIZE: 46,759 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 470x470 pixels Wakky Mouse, son of Wakko Warner and Minnie Mouse. Based on a sketch by some anonymous animator at Warner Bros. Animation, in which Minnie grabs Wakko by the shirt and says "I want to have your baby! Mickey will never know!" and in the corner was a little sketch of Wakky Mouse, the inevitable result. |
 | yakkowrk.gif DATE: 1997-11-28 — FILESIZE: 69,474 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 537x314 pixels Yakko goes to work in a building charmingly known as Vader. |
 | EggOnline.gif DATE: 1997-12-02 — FILESIZE: 70,187 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 602x795 pixels Line art of Egg Le Fume at the computer. I never got around to finishing it. |
 | taprtorc.gif DATE: 1997-12-06 — FILESIZE: 37,942 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 354x494 pixels Taperlass wears a Celtic torc. (Note: this drawing is slightly inaccurate. A torc is worn with the ends clasped together in back.) |
 | taprside.gif DATE: 1997-12-06 — FILESIZE: 15,463 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 354x494 pixels Taperlass from the side. |
 | ktfreecell.gif DATE: 1997-12-22 — FILESIZE: 53,035 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 495x630 pixels KT goes nuts playing Freecell. |
 | evetswarner.gif DATE: 1997-12-30 — FILESIZE: 41,460 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 376x452 pixels Evets, the Warner who, at the time of this drawing, stranded in the middle of the Indian Ocean on a funny-shaped island called Diego Garcia. The U.S. Armed Forces, go fig. |
 | richdfox.gif DATE: 1997-11-22 — FILESIZE: 19,238 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 350x470 pixels Richard D. Fox, complete with A! hat and racing shirt. |