| taprbac2.gif DATE: 1999-01-26 — FILESIZE: 31,429 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 500x582 pixels Taperlass poses nude with her back to the camera. |
 | wannacookie.gif DATE: 1999-02-02 — FILESIZE: 24,361 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 450x450 pixels KT offers Sefo a cookie. But there's one small snag... |
 | dotvalday.jpg DATE: 1999-02-13 — FILESIZE: 57,355 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 400x620 pixels Dot dressed up in a cute frilly Valentine's Day outfit. |
 | dat-chan.jpg DATE: 1999-02-20 — FILESIZE: 71,610 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 597x569 pixels Dot wearing a cute blue dress that also happens to be the official outfit of Furinkan High, the school in "Ranma 1/2". Meanwhile, KT proves he's no Ranma. ('kame' means 'turtle'.) |
 | sparkyvssparky.gif DATE: 1999-02-23 — FILESIZE: 29,871 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 450x413 pixels Sparky the Wonder Penguin, from Tom Tomorrow's comic strip This Modern World, poses as Spy vs. Spy from MAD Magazine. I drew this and entered it in Tom Tomorrow's "Draw Sparky" contest, and it was one of the winners! It can be seen inside the back cover of the book "Tune In Tomorrow", published by St. Martin's Press. Sparky is © Dan Perkins. |
 | lola1.gif DATE: 1999-02-28 — FILESIZE: 24,820 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 318x530 pixels Nice pencil sketch of Lola Bunny in a pensive seated pose. |
 | oglelola.gif DATE: 1999-03-09 — FILESIZE: 81,983 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 555x882 pixels Richard Fox ogles Lola Bunny, prompting her to rip off his foot. Also his nose. |
 | traffic1.gif DATE: 1999-03-20 — FILESIZE: 59,237 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 538x702 pixels Yakko, Wakko & Dot play in traffic! |
 | dotportrait.gif DATE: 1999-03-22 — FILESIZE: 38,389 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 463x644 pixels Dot sits for a portrait by KT, and falls asleep in the middle of it. |
 | spatula1.gif DATE: 1999-04-17 — FILESIZE: 15,316 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 321x469 pixels Plucky poses with a giant spatula. |
 | spatula2.gif DATE: 1999-04-17 — FILESIZE: 9,591 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 287x349 pixels Plucky swings his giant spatula! It makes a fearsome weapon. Action sketch #1. |
 | spatula3.gif DATE: 1999-04-17 — FILESIZE: 10,180 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 303x379 pixels Plucky swings his giant spatula! It makes a fearsome weapon. Action sketch #2. |
 | spatula4.gif DATE: 1999-04-17 — FILESIZE: 17,073 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 432x392 pixels Plucky swings his giant spatula! It makes a fearsome weapon. Action sketch #3. |
 | waitress1.gif DATE: 1999-05-15 — FILESIZE: 70,867 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 579x665 pixels Okkay as a waitress, and Yakko as her customer! part 1. |
 | tonytaur1.gif DATE: 1999-06-05 — FILESIZE: 31,119 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 600x502 pixels Tony as a foxtaur, being given a cup of coffee by KT. |
 | waitress2.gif DATE: 1999-06-07 — FILESIZE: 74,693 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 683x591 pixels Okkay as a waitress, and Yakko as her customer! part 2. |
 | sorryshirt1.gif DATE: 1999-06-08 — FILESIZE: 33,729 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 600x447 pixels An interspecies couple (wolf and cat) are greatly amused by a rather narrow-minded message on a T-shirt. Based on an actual T-shirt I saw in a gift shop once. |
 | pinkybra.jpg DATE: 1999-06-12 — FILESIZE: 54,975 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 607x494 pixels A wacky sketch of Pinky wearing a bra, inspired by a recent shopping trip. (Note the receipt depicted in the image.) |
 | pluckypants.gif DATE: 1999-06-23 — FILESIZE: 21,125 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 317x550 pixels Plucky wears pants fnar. ('fnar' = "for no apparent reason".) |
 | jarjartmbg.gif DATE: 1999-06-25 — FILESIZE: 10,624 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 301x439 pixels Jar Jar Binks wears a They Might Be Giants T-shirt! A quickie I did just to see if I could draw him from memory. |
 | dotsquirrel.gif DATE: 1999-06-25 — FILESIZE: 9,476 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 488x357 pixels Dot as a squirrel! Wacky! |
 | hobsemmy.jpg DATE: 1999-06-26 — FILESIZE: 58,589 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 625x639 pixels Hobbes cuddles Emmy Warner. |
 | pluckyjonessk.gif DATE: 1999-06-27 — FILESIZE: 24,014 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 256x500 pixels Plucky dressed as Indiana Jones! Dun-da-dun-duuuun, dun-da-duuuuun! |
 | thatsaminksk.gif DATE: 1999-07-06 — FILESIZE: 39,674 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 483x600 pixels Lola sees a real-life non-toony mink for the first time and is shocked! |
 | raccoontrot.gif DATE: 1999-07-08 — FILESIZE: 37,138 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 443x600 pixels Little incident based on an actual #warnercafe event. (Those are cutoff jeans Tony is wearing, not a skirt.) |
 | foxlapsk.gif DATE: 1999-07-12 — FILESIZE: 30,213 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 442x600 pixels Richard, as a nonmorphic fox, sits in Tony Fox's lap. |
 | yakkohackingsk.gif DATE: 1999-07-12 — FILESIZE: 21,993 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 500x382 pixels Yakko multitasks: he's typing with his ears like in "Temporary Insanity", freeing up his hands to eat a sandwich and examine his notes, and he's drinking a Mountain Dew! |
 | okskritchyakko2.gif DATE: 1999-07-12 — FILESIZE: 18,943 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 500x360 pixels Okkay skritches Yakko, who has flooped down into the pillow pile. |
 | windowsdrawn1.gif DATE: 1999-08-05 — FILESIZE: 39,825 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 640x501 pixels Based on an actual moment from IRC when Yakko was heard to complain about his computer system: "These windows aren't being drawn right..." |
 | puddles1.gif DATE: 1999-08-05 — FILESIZE: 20,622 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 543x500 pixels Dot wears a cute little raincoat and carries a cute little umbrella and goes splashing through puddles with Plucky (who, being part duck, doesn't need all that stuff). |
 | ktserenades.gif DATE: 1999-09-19 — FILESIZE: 18,759 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 387x400 pixels Rough sketch: KT serenades Dot with a song that seems to have a strange effect on her... |
 | langmixes.gif DATE: 1999-09-21 — FILESIZE: 43,380 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 808x769 pixels You've heard of Spanglish? Franglais? Well, the silly kinky turtle has invented a bunch of new wacky mixed languages for everybody to enjoy! |
 | handhead1.gif DATE: 1999-09-21 — FILESIZE: 10,971 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 240x400 pixels Taper finds that someone (possibly a silly turtle) has molded her hand into a second head! |
 | adoretoes.jpg DATE: 1999-09-21 — FILESIZE: 74,986 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 698x463 pixels Plucky sits on a couch as Dot plays with his duckytoes. She wants to make it publically known that she adores Plucky's toes! |
 | pokermon.jpg DATE: 1999-09-22 — FILESIZE: 48,283 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 600x420 pixels Pikachu plays poker. |
 | polkamon.gif DATE: 1999-09-23 — FILESIZE: 58,682 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 534x500 pixels Pikachu polkas! |
 | vakkomagritte.jpg DATE: 1999-09-24 — FILESIZE: 104,155 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 613x700 pixels Vakkotaur wanders through a René Magritte painting. Yup, this did take me a long time, and I couldn'ta done it without Eye Candy HSB Noise! |
 | dotlycra1.gif DATE: 1999-10-21 — FILESIZE: 14,619 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 412x596 pixels Dot wears a cute leotard and looks like she's ready for the Olympics! |
 | soop.gif DATE: 1999-10-28 — FILESIZE: 18,587 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 293x544 pixels KT does not like being made intoo turkle soop, as this drawing shows! |
 | frostsk4.jpg DATE: 1999-11-07 — FILESIZE: 14,743 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 292x600 pixels Frostbite, the snowshoe fox from #toonplay. |
 | slappysketch1.gif DATE: 1999-11-11 — FILESIZE: 6,665 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 256x316 pixels Sketch of Slappy Squirrel holding a stick of dynamite. |
 | eggsk1.gif DATE: 1999-11-11 — FILESIZE: 12,224 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 262x444 pixels Pencil sketch of Egg Le Fume. |
 | eggdance1.gif DATE: 1999-11-11 — FILESIZE: 27,581 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 444x640 pixels Egg LeFume dances a softshoe on KT's head, with odd results. |
 | pikababs.gif DATE: 1999-11-25 — FILESIZE: 21,696 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 437x500 pixels Babs Bunny of Tiny Toons does an impression of Pikachu. Idea by Ron O'Dell and Linda Pang. |
 | moopyinkle.gif DATE: 1999-11-26 — FILESIZE: 30,583 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 527x530 pixels KT and Dot take turns saying "Moop yinkle garg prip hambla hambla hambla". Dot says it really cutely. |
 | ttubeguh1.gif DATE: 1999-11-29 — FILESIZE: 21,759 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 351x600 pixels Masem, being a wax mouse, got cut in half. KT helpfully glued him back together again, but the wrong way around, with odd results. |
 | biglola.jpg DATE: 1999-12-06 — FILESIZE: 84,831 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 480x672 pixels Lola grows very very very tall, stands outside the Warner cafe and picks up Vakkotaur for cuddling purposes. |
 | abouttheauthor.gif DATE: 1999-12-06 — FILESIZE: 38,533 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 640x443 pixels KT poses for an "About the author" back-of-the-book type picture. Includes blurb. |