| cutiecola.gif DATE: 2000-01-25 — FILESIZE: 22,992 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 749x456 pixels Dot (in two forms) does an ad for Cutie Cola, the cutest soda in the world! |
 | mel-lei.gif DATE: 2000-02-15 — FILESIZE: 33,941 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 623x554 pixels Melody Mephit wears a lei, which Mr. Fu decides to bite through. |
 | piglatin.gif DATE: 2000-02-27 — FILESIZE: 13,023 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 325x360 pixels A cartoon I drew back in 1995 for Gary Hallock, the author of a little Austin, TX-based joke-laden newsletter called Pun Intended. |
 | froglatin.gif DATE: 2000-02-27 — FILESIZE: 10,252 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 325x346 pixels Companion piece to piglatin.gif. Another punny cartoon I drew for Gary Hallock. |
 | qaimakeover1.gif DATE: 2000-03-17 — FILESIZE: 28,580 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 380x700 pixels Dot gives Qaianna Fox a makeover. The effect is subtle but stunning. |
 | vulpixtub.gif DATE: 2000-03-24 — FILESIZE: 26,868 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 555x484 pixels Richard Vulpix proves he's a fire Pokemon by jumping into a tub of lava. Or something. |
 | masembbq.gif DATE: 2000-03-26 — FILESIZE: 11,912 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 546x352 pixels Meanwhile, Masem barbecues over one of the steam vents around the lava. (I think the joke here was, Richard made a comment about barbecuing Masem over the steam vents, so I said "I'll draw Masem barbecuing!" Or something.) |
 | hon.gif DATE: 2000-03-29 — FILESIZE: 10,809 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 333x448 pixels Don't you hate it when you go to a truck stop, and they're out of ancient Roman condiments? |
 | bodyelectric1.gif DATE: 2000-03-30 — FILESIZE: 9,843 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 463x255 pixels KT sings Dot's body electric. (Based on the song "I Sing the Body Electric" from "Fame".) |
 | bodyelectric2.gif DATE: 2000-03-30 — FILESIZE: 8,178 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 344x279 pixels Dot complains about KT singing her body electric. |
 | uncuteunsexy.gif DATE: 2000-03-30 — FILESIZE: 12,442 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 518x325 pixels Dot, a cute sexy Warner, confronts what surely must be her opposite. |
 | fsaaauhri.gif DATE: 2000-03-31 — FILESIZE: 14,788 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 500x501 pixels Fish showing apprehension at an upcoming horse-related incident. |
 | ktnakkoatgalleria.gif DATE: 2000-04-01 — FILESIZE: 22,486 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 535x313 pixels KT and Nakko go nuts at the Galleria in Houston! (Note: This didn't actually happen.) |
 | ktnakkoatworthamcenter.gif DATE: 2000-04-01 — FILESIZE: 36,303 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 567x494 pixels KT and Nakko go to Wortham Center in Houston to see Spalding Gray. (Note: We didn't actually order booze, nor did we fall asleep and miss the show. Also, Spalding Gray does not begin his monologues with "Hi, I'm Spalding Gray," figuring you already know who he is; after all, you bought the tickets in the first place!) |
 | gentlegeorge.gif DATE: 2000-04-05 — FILESIZE: 79,673 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 662x1086 pixels KT introduces Sefo to his pal Gentle George the Giraffe, with disastrous results. |
 | QUACK!.gif DATE: 2000-04-08 — FILESIZE: 18,807 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 377x429 pixels Plucky QUACKS!!! |
 | quackquackquack.gif DATE: 2000-04-09 — FILESIZE: 23,626 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 532x377 pixels Plucky quacks some more. Lots more. |
 | op-squirrel.gif DATE: 2000-04-15 — FILESIZE: 14,332 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 350x400 pixels Y'know how, after navigating through those evil telephone pushbutton menus, it's so nice to get to talk to a human being for a change? Weeeell, don't just jump to conclusions!... |
 | potatosong.gif DATE: 2000-04-15 — FILESIZE: 15,484 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 420x390 pixels Once upon a time, KT balanced a potato on Dot's head. So she made up a song about it. Here's the song. |
 | 2h-mice1.gif DATE: 2000-04-15 — FILESIZE: 14,450 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 430x379 pixels Two-headed mice: a new trend? Here we see a two-headed Masem, looking at a newspaper headline with one of his heads. |
 | 2h-mice2.gif DATE: 2000-04-15 — FILESIZE: 13,594 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 430x365 pixels More two-headed mice. Minnie startles Mickey with her new look. (er, looks?) |
 | nochickens.gif DATE: 2000-04-15 — FILESIZE: 61,063 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 520x720 pixels KT stops believing in chickens, and tries to spread the gospel! With limited success. And by limited I mean none. |
 | hh-guesswhatwesaw.gif DATE: 2000-04-22 — FILESIZE: 138,188 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 596x830 pixels My first (and probably last) Hip Hippos cartoon! The Hippos go to the movies, but can't fit in the seats, so Flavio comes up with an unusual (but very cutting-edge) solution... |
 | poink.jpg DATE: 2000-04-25 — FILESIZE: 77,900 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 562x600 pixels Melody Mephit, dressed as Mephitstopheles, poinks Vakko in the keister with her trident. Yow! |
 | kt-parappa.gif DATE: 2000-04-30 — FILESIZE: 15,899 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 430x400 pixels KT plays rap master to Playstation character Parappa the Rapper. (I played this game recently, can ya tell?) |
 | cakefortaper.gif DATE: 2000-05-05 — FILESIZE: 83,161 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 577x800 pixels Birthday pic for Taperlass: KT buys Taper a cake, but since she's a 431-year-old wax alien, he has trouble fitting all the candles. Then he comes up with a clever solution involving binary numbers! (flame=1, no flame=0.) |
 | nunchaku5-5-2000.gif DATE: 2000-05-05 — FILESIZE: 56,131 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 620x837 pixels Another birthday pic for Taperlass. Mr. Fu came up with this idea and I drew it for him. Nunchakus are really hard to use if they're bigger than you are, ya know. |
 | dotsandals1.gif DATE: 2000-05-17 — FILESIZE: 17,882 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 550x410 pixels Dot lounges on a deck chair with a tropical drink, wearing cute sandals. (Dot, not the drink.) |
 | pluckylimboes.gif DATE: 2000-05-27 — FILESIZE: 19,489 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 553x416 pixels Tony Fox apparently has the ability to levitate, so one day he was relaxing by hovering in the air, and Plucky limboed under him for no particular reason. |
 | standingfox.gif DATE: 2000-05-27 — FILESIZE: 11,970 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 200x400 pixels A cute fox just sorta standin' there. |
 | howsnoopylies.gif DATE: 2000-05-27 — FILESIZE: 17,639 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 600x384 pixels Not long ago, most of the cartoonists on the funnies page did simultaneous tributes to Charles Schulz in their strips one day. I decided to contribute, so I drew this cartoon of Sefo showing us Snoopy's doghouse. |
 | skywritin.gif DATE: 2000-05-27 — FILESIZE: 45,216 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 597x650 pixels KT gets a job skywriting. How's that for a scary idea? |
 | ktmodelsheet.gif DATE: 2000-06-07 — FILESIZE: 90,369 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 741x1113 pixels Model sheet of the kinky turtle. |
 | lickdoor.gif DATE: 2000-06-11 — FILESIZE: 14,104 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 579x231 pixels KT licks the wrong door at the wrong time and gets in trouble for it. |
 | pluckyspatula.gif DATE: 2000-06-17 — FILESIZE: 6,236 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 341x306 pixels KT and Plucky in a silly sort of arty pose, with KT holding a giant spatula and Plucky standing on it. Hot duckywarner, fresh from the oven? |
 | nakedmice.gif DATE: 2000-06-20 — FILESIZE: 15,426 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 491x370 pixels Two mice! And they're naked! |
 | zigzag-y.jpg DATE: 2000-07-05 — FILESIZE: 48,893 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 649x525 pixels This is a censored digital camera pic of a drawing of Zig Zag with extra body parts that I drew in Max Blackrabbit's Bible of Zig Zag during Anthrocon 2000. The uncensored version will soon be available on my adult art page. |
 | kt-mel.gif DATE: 2000-07-11 — FILESIZE: 88,846 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 559x624 pixels A drawing I did at Anthrocon, in Egg's sketchbook! It's of Melody Mephit and it's titled "When Turtles Dream..." |
 | tonychewmsk.gif DATE: 2000-07-16 — FILESIZE: 56,511 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 454x700 pixels Tony Fox tries using Masem as a chew toy. |
 | duckdinnah.jpg DATE: 2000-07-17 — FILESIZE: 116,793 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 741x555 pixels Dot, KT and Plucky reënact a scene from "Rabbit Seasoning": Plucky as Daffy, KT as Elmer Fudd and Dot as Bugs in drag. |
 | tailbonk.jpg DATE: 2000-07-21 — FILESIZE: 73,310 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 700x467 pixels Minerva, lounging at the beach, is bothered by Newt, so she bonks him on the head with her tail. |
 | sillyrabbit.gif DATE: 2000-07-24 — FILESIZE: 6,888 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 293x260 pixels A cat saying to a rabbit, "Silly rabbit, pants are for humans!" |
 | newtop.gif DATE: 2000-07-24 — FILESIZE: 36,949 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 444x600 pixels Teleia shows KT hir new tank top. Then sie shows him a neat trick sie can do, involving suddenly and magically having two heads! |
 | movie-dsfpfh.gif DATE: 2000-07-24 — FILESIZE: 52,610 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 574x593 pixels A bunch of furries in a movie theater. |
 | cordially.gif DATE: 2000-07-24 — FILESIZE: 35,035 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 466x468 pixels KT misinterprets a word in a birthday party invitation. |
 | mr_fu-fox.gif DATE: 2000-07-25 — FILESIZE: 19,470 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 309x498 pixels Mr. Fu in his new form, as a fox! |
 | getwell1.jpg DATE: 2000-08-03 — FILESIZE: 79,159 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 503x675 pixels A get-well card for Egg, a good friend of mine who is undergoing surgery. This picture depicts an actual made-up incident from the Family House where he's staying in Pittsburgh when not at the hospital. Get well soon, Egg! |
 | getwell2.jpg DATE: 2000-08-05 — FILESIZE: 102,840 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 626x483 pixels Another get-well card for Egg, this time taking place in his hospital room, where he is visited by some of his favorite candystripers |
 | getwell3.jpg DATE: 2000-08-09 — FILESIZE: 85,284 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 655x842 pixels A third get-well card for Egg! Nurse Zig Zag says it's sponge bath time. But why is she taking off her own clothes? Gee, I can't imagine. |
 | taperreeses.gif DATE: 2000-08-14 — FILESIZE: 64,572 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 792x340 pixels How Taperlass eats a Reese's. |
 | kd-wcafesk.gif DATE: 2000-08-18 — FILESIZE: 42,006 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 709x600 pixels Karma Leafbarer and Digo Raccoon from yerf visit #warnercafe late one night, only to find that hardly anybody's awake. |
 | natte-snowleopard.gif DATE: 2000-08-27 — FILESIZE: 46,101 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 435x528 pixels Natte Warner is now a snow leopard! |
 | ifdoug.gif DATE: 2000-09-05 — FILESIZE: 20,427 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 400x437 pixels If Doug Winger made mannequins... they'd probably look like this. |
 | flecksofgelatin.gif DATE: 2000-09-10 — FILESIZE: 57,974 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 563x761 pixels KT tries to write poetry. |
 | tell-us-gang.gif DATE: 2000-09-11 — FILESIZE: 34,272 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 648x422 pixels KT and friends walk down the street unmolested... sort of. |
 | wilford.gif DATE: 2000-09-21 — FILESIZE: 40,433 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 390x554 pixels Snazzy new picture of our old friend, Wilford B. Wolf! (Er, not that he's old, just that we've known him for some time, you see... |
 | pppears.gif DATE: 2000-10-02 — FILESIZE: 42,165 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 486x590 pixels The final scene of every episode of "The Powerpuff Girls", starring three pears as the girls. |
 | foxpounce.jpg DATE: 2000-10-10 — FILESIZE: 55,389 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 521x582 pixels Richard Fox POUNCE Tony! Nice blurring effect. |
 | blueyakko.gif DATE: 2000-10-13 — FILESIZE: 25,175 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 385x500 pixels Blue Yakko, a computer version of Yakko, complete with anti-spammer gun. (Some sort of TRON thing, I suppose.) |
 | jon1.gif DATE: 2000-10-14 — FILESIZE: 18,582 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 307x547 pixels Jonathan, a.k.a. Jwph, as a fox. He used to be human but was repainted as a fox. |
 | jasmine.gif DATE: 2000-10-16 — FILESIZE: 13,816 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 368x500 pixels Nice pencil sketch of Jasmine. This replaces the old sketch of Jasmine which is now out of date. |
 | penguin-df.gif DATE: 2000-10-26 — FILESIZE: 27,740 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 487x548 pixels Penguin disturbing a fox for no reason. I drew this while sitting around in a supermarket with Mom. Check out the niftee typeface I made up on the spot! |
 | no-i-in-team.gif DATE: 2000-10-27 — FILESIZE: 65,235 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 600x553 pixels KT's response to the sports cliché "There's no I in TEAM". Extremely rare shot of KT in an athletic outfit (mainly 'cos I hate sports.) :P |
 | maryfox.gif DATE: 2000-10-30 — FILESIZE: 35,311 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 312x657 pixels Mary Fox! (Remember Mark Bunny? Same player.) |
 | yeraducky.gif DATE: 2000-10-30 — FILESIZE: 31,133 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 372x522 pixels KT tells Plucky he's a ducky. (Er, Plucky is, not KT.) |
 | bjork-in.gif DATE: 2000-10-31 — FILESIZE: 94,275 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 570x793 pixels Doris Duck's house is broken into by a fox who's both a burglar and a lover of weird music. |
 | kt-badge.jpg DATE: 2000-11-01 — FILESIZE: 33,001 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 398x299 pixels My furry con badge! I wore this to Conifur Northwest 2000! (Although I decided to play it safe by covering up the "kinky turtle" part...) |
 | ishtar.gif DATE: 2000-11-12 — FILESIZE: 22,026 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 426x571 pixels Ishtar the fishtaur. That's me, always on the lookout for novel 'taur forms! |
 | tentacle.jpg DATE: 2000-11-12 — FILESIZE: 45,786 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 480x612 pixels We were talking about tentacle art one time, and Richard Fox pointed out there's friendly tentacle art and unfriendly tentacle art, and I was inspired to do these drawings. |
 | hohum-fox.gif DATE: 2000-11-16 — FILESIZE: 20,188 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 411x458 pixels A bored-looking fox. |
 | pantsafoxsk.gif DATE: 2000-11-19 — FILESIZE: 23,219 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 529x384 pixels Why you should never pants a fox: A toony demonstration by KT and Richard. |
 | wbss.gif DATE: 2000-11-19 — FILESIZE: 61,555 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 588x776 pixels Rough sketch for a potential cartoon about the Warner Bros. and Sister visiting a Warner Bros. Studio Store lately. Have you seen the place? No A! stuff anymore! Instead they've got Hanna-Barbera and Pokémon stuff out the wazoo! Oh and I hear now they're full of Harry Potter stuff! I like Harry Potter, but... |
 | orvan.gif DATE: 2000-11-21 — FILESIZE: 76,744 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 574x807 pixels KT sings badly, prompting Sheila to call Orvan Ox. He makes deliveries for ACME, and delivers a package that KT gets a bang out of! |
 | taperbunny2.gif DATE: 2000-11-21 — FILESIZE: 18,232 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 290x600 pixels Second attempt to draw Taper as a bunny. I made her face less 'pinched' and gave her incisors. |
 | tonychair.jpg DATE: 2000-11-22 — FILESIZE: 40,368 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 491x512 pixels Colored version. Tony Fox curls up in a chair with a mug of hot tea. |
 | doristv.jpg DATE: 2000-11-23 — FILESIZE: 53,634 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 382x501 pixels Doris Duck decides to step into TV. But TV isn't ready for her. |
 | yakkoskunksk.gif DATE: 2000-11-25 — FILESIZE: 30,134 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 385x539 pixels Lola sees Yakko in skunk form. |
 | groat-kt.gif DATE: 2000-11-29 — FILESIZE: 12,151 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 397x334 pixels This is not actually a scan of a drawing; this is a scan of a photograph of a drawing. I drew this on the big sketchpad at Conifur 2000. |
 | pulltail-bw.gif DATE: 2000-12-03 — FILESIZE: 42,892 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 635x965 pixels Richard Fox pulls on Melody Mephit's tail, so, what else, she sprays him. Sillyfoxie! |
 | asalark.gif DATE: 2000-12-04 — FILESIZE: 15,234 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 377x452 pixels KT dresses as a lark as a lark. |
 | karmapepesk1.gif DATE: 2000-12-05 — FILESIZE: 32,315 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 543x407 pixels Sketch of a picture commissioned by Karma Leafbarer: Karma and Pepe val Pew cuddling in Pepe's bed. I'm going to work on a color version of this... eventually... |
 | whatsagyro.gif DATE: 2000-12-06 — FILESIZE: 30,258 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 757x296 pixels Cartoon based on an actual conversation I overheard in line at Niko Niko's, a Greek deli I often eat at. (They make great gyros and I love their fish & chips!) |
 | min-eoc.gif DATE: 2000-12-09 — FILESIZE: 104,324 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 574x816 pixels Minerva Mink meets Eric O. Costello, Michael Mink's a-e (alter ego; i.e. his player.) |
 | karmatail.gif DATE: 2000-12-12 — FILESIZE: 33,272 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 403x489 pixels KT admires Karma Leafbarer's tail. |
 | jennifer1.gif DATE: 2000-12-17 — FILESIZE: 16,507 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 277x498 pixels Jennifer Fox, the female form of Jonathan Fox. (He's got this Ranma thing happening. It involves water and... well, never mind.) |
 | ktsefo-groove.gif DATE: 2000-12-19 — FILESIZE: 67,364 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 637x659 pixels KT and Sefo go to see the movie "The Emperor's New Groove". |
 | kts-plan.gif DATE: 2000-12-20 — FILESIZE: 118,493 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 795x1089 pixels KT's plan of action for the day. What bizarre things is KT up to now? |
 | vials.gif DATE: 2000-12-24 — FILESIZE: 59,846 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 549x733 pixels Empress Becca Warner gives KT a set of vials of magic potion for Xmas (see "The Emperor's New Groove") and KT immediately turns Becca into a duck! Wackiness ensues. |
 | wrongnumber.gif DATE: 2000-12-25 — FILESIZE: 58,022 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 535x721 pixels KT keeps trying to get rid of Ernie Ermine on the phone, through a variety of linguistic tricks. Of course, none of them work. |
 | pulltail.gif DATE: 2000-12-26 — FILESIZE: 48,548 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 441x657 pixels Colored version of pulltail-bw.gif. Somehow I totally forgot to upload this one until now. |