| vakkobadge.jpg DATE: 2003-07-16 — FILESIZE: 28,429 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 370x291 pixels Con badge for Vakkotaur, for Anthrocon 2003. |
 | vakkobow.jpg DATE: 1998-10-23 — FILESIZE: 63,386 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 568x587 pixels Vakkotaur waves while holding a bow. No doubt he's getting in some archery practice. |
 | vakkomagritte.jpg DATE: 1999-09-24 — FILESIZE: 104,155 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 613x700 pixels Vakkotaur wanders through a René Magritte painting. Yup, this did take me a long time, and I couldn'ta done it without Eye Candy HSB Noise! |
 | vakko-restaurant.gif DATE: 2005-10-16 — FILESIZE: 92,756 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 610x616 pixels Vakkotaur goes to a restaurant. Drawn as a LiveJournal icon for Vakko. Note the oat list. |
 | vakmorph.gif DATE: 1997-03-12 — FILESIZE: 33,012 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 700x400 pixels Vakko morphs into his taur form. |
 | vaselinesday.jpg DATE: 2002-02-19 — FILESIZE: 121,538 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 638x844 pixels KT wishes Lola Bunny a happy Vaseline's Day! I think he means "Valentine's". |
 | vertical-cartoon.gif DATE: 2004-12-03 — FILESIZE: 55,977 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 590x1242 pixels A coyote tries flying. See, JoMo had this sketchbook with long pages in it. They looked about the right shape to do a 3- or 4-panel cartoon. But I decided to be perverse and have the 4-panel cartoon read across the width of the paper instead of along its length. |
 | vials.gif DATE: 2000-12-24 — FILESIZE: 59,846 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 549x733 pixels Empress Becca Warner gives KT a set of vials of magic potion for Xmas (see "The Emperor's New Groove") and KT immediately turns Becca into a duck! Wackiness ensues. |
 | voodoochili.gif DATE: 2002-08-02 — FILESIZE: 44,053 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 457x717 pixels Richard holds a bowl of Voodoo Chili. It seems there's this wrestler who used "Voodoo Chile" by Jimi Hendrix as his entrance music, and one of the announcers misidentified it as "Voodoo Chili". |
 | vulpixtub.gif DATE: 2000-03-24 — FILESIZE: 26,868 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 555x484 pixels Richard Vulpix proves he's a fire Pokemon by jumping into a tub of lava. Or something. |