| yakimaland.gif DATE: 2003-08-12 — FILESIZE: 88,210 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 773x582 pixels A cartoon I drew for the Conifur 2003 conbook: an ad for Yakimaland, a geek's gaming paradise. |
 | yakkohackingsk.gif DATE: 1999-07-12 — FILESIZE: 21,993 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 500x382 pixels Yakko multitasks: he's typing with his ears like in "Temporary Insanity", freeing up his hands to eat a sandwich and examine his notes, and he's drinking a Mountain Dew! |
 | yakkojmouse.gif DATE: 1998-07-28 — FILESIZE: 14,231 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 317x500 pixels Yakko as a mouse. |
 | yakkoskunksk.gif DATE: 2000-11-25 — FILESIZE: 30,134 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 385x539 pixels Lola sees Yakko in skunk form. |
 | yakkowrk.gif DATE: 1997-11-28 — FILESIZE: 69,474 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 537x314 pixels Yakko goes to work in a building charmingly known as Vader. |
 | yakomink.gif DATE: 1996-08-31 — FILESIZE: 32,788 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 464x636 pixels Yakko J. Warner and his wife, Minkie Mink, back when the Minkie character existed. |
 | yakotaur.gif DATE: 1995-?-? — FILESIZE: 5,872 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 350x401 pixels One of the first Warner pics I ever did: Yakko as a 'taur. |
 | yeraducky.gif DATE: 2000-10-30 — FILESIZE: 31,133 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 372x522 pixels KT tells Plucky he's a ducky. (Er, Plucky is, not KT.) |
 | yerfquack.gif DATE: 1998-10-05 — FILESIZE: 68,046 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 640x480 pixels Richard yerfs. Plucky quacks. Lisa borrows Plucky's line. Neu Coyote borrows Lisa's line. Okkay, it's all kind of silly, but hey, it's a cute pic! |
 | yerfyfox.gif DATE: 1997-06-24 — FILESIZE: 34,642 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 366x556 pixels Richard the yerfy fox. He yerfs. You know, like a fox. |
 | yig-ped7.jpg DATE: 1996-04-17 — FILESIZE: 70,304 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 510x523 pixels This cartoon is where the phrase yig-ped came from. KT exercises his privilege of making the President say yig-ped 7 times in a row. |
 | yin-yang-babs.gif DATE: 2009-07-11 — FILESIZE: 81888 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 690x1057 pixels Drawn by me and Babs at Anthrocon. Babs decided to draw herself in Yin Yang Yo style, because one of the GOHs was Bob Boyle, the creator of Yin Yang Yo!. Meanwhile, I decided to draw KT as a wireframe model, and talk in rhyme. |
 | you.gif DATE: 2006-05-12 — FILESIZE: 40,443 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 592x660 pixels Introducing my newest character: You! I betcha didn't know all this stuff. |
 | youre-an-insect.gif DATE: 2007-02-01 — FILESIZE: 20,807 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 556x650 pixels Sefo confronts a cartoon bug who is four-limbed instead of six-, in the traditional Disney style. |
 | ywdhousr.gif DATE: 1997-01-07 — FILESIZE: 52,988 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 799x1041 pixels Yakko, Wakko & Dot visit Houston in the middle of summer. I drew this one day while waiting for the A/C repairman to show up. |
 | ywdscrp1.gif DATE: 1998-01-28 — FILESIZE: 159,043 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 729x1028 pixels Yakko, Wakko & Dot decide to write their own Animaniacs script, page 1. |
 | ywdscrp2.gif DATE: 1998-08-09 — FILESIZE: 122,183 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 770x1048 pixels Yakko, Wakko and Dot write their own Animaniacs script, page 2. Maybe someday I'll get around to pages 3 and beyond... or scrap the idea and start over... who knows. |