| zeek-rolling.jpg DATE: 2005-05-25 — FILESIZE: 23,640 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 386x515 pixels Sketch I did for Zeek Hedgehog at Morphicon 2. |
 | ziggy.gif DATE: 2004-08-06 — FILESIZE: 41,459 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 1002x432 pixels Another example of making a cartoon funnier via embellishment: This time it's a Ziggy cartoon. |
 | zigzagsculp.gif DATE: 2001-08-30 — FILESIZE: 28,976 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 646x582 pixels KT adds his own sculpture to the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. |
 | zigzag-y.jpg DATE: 2000-07-05 — FILESIZE: 48,893 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 649x525 pixels This is a censored digital camera pic of a drawing of Zig Zag with extra body parts that I drew in Max Blackrabbit's Bible of Zig Zag during Anthrocon 2000. The uncensored version will soon be available on my adult art page. |
 | zippyminerva.gif DATE: 2009-08-21 — FILESIZE: 39051 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 587x700 pixels If Minerva Mink were Zippy the Pinhead... |
 | zombie-attack.gif DATE: 2008-10-28 — FILESIZE: 134919 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 804x1101 pixels KT's Halloween party gets attacked by zombies! Drawn for Halloween 2008. |